I returned to find a few ideas that may be beneficial to everyone who often haunted by the fear of losing important data because of being attacked malicious viruses are very irresponsible. Lately I hear and see more and more cases attack the virus in its distribution with removing or damaging data with certain extensions, most of the attacks directed at data Document (*. doc, *. xls, *. ppt, *. txt and lnsbgygtl) especially in the files *. doc extension. This makes a lot of people are very afraid that they merajinkan yourself manually backing up data regularly, to install software antivirus and other protection software that is sometimes less effective and very troublesome self. That is why I wrote this article advanced the hopefully resolve the issue.
The essence of the article is actually very simple: rename all the extensions important files at once in a Drive with a single click. here I using a VBS script to aid implementation.
* just info: first hell usually I use this script to rename the video files from VCD
with extension *. DAT to *. MPG to be displayed (Thumbnail) ditampilan Explorer.
The virus attacked some file types based on the file exstensinya, and because most viruses attack the *. doc file, then in the example below I will apply it in this file, is to change the extension *. doc into *. MSWord. (You also may determine the outcome of his own in addition to rename *. MSWord)
Follow the following steps:
* just info: first hell usually I use this script to rename the video files from VCD
with extension *. DAT to *. MPG to be displayed (Thumbnail) ditampilan Explorer.
The virus attacked some file types based on the file exstensinya, and because most viruses attack the *. doc file, then in the example below I will apply it in this file, is to change the extension *. doc into *. MSWord. (You also may determine the outcome of his own in addition to rename *. MSWord)
Follow the following steps:
- Open RUN type notepad.exe then enter
- After the application appears type in notepad or copy> paste the script below:
Dim Drive, Root, fname
Drive = 'D' 'drive you will be processed
Set Root = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject"). _
GetDrive (Drive). RootFolder
Set fname = New RegExp
with fname
. Pattern = "\. Doc $" 'which will rename the file extension
. IgnoreCase = True
. Global = False
. Multiline = False
end With
Call Rename (Root, fname)
Sub Rename (Folder, RegExp)
Dim subfolders, File
For Each File in Folder.Files
If RegExp.Test (File.Name) Then
File.Name = RegExp.Replace (File.Name, ". MSWord") 'result renamenya
end If
For Each subfolder In Folder.SubFolders
Call Rename (subfolders, RegExp)
end Sub
Drive = 'D' 'drive you will be processed
Set Root = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject"). _
GetDrive (Drive). RootFolder
Set fname = New RegExp
with fname
. Pattern = "\. Doc $" 'which will rename the file extension
. IgnoreCase = True
. Global = False
. Multiline = False
end With
Call Rename (Root, fname)
Sub Rename (Folder, RegExp)
Dim subfolders, File
For Each File in Folder.Files
If RegExp.Test (File.Name) Then
File.Name = RegExp.Replace (File.Name, ". MSWord") 'result renamenya
end If
For Each subfolder In Folder.SubFolders
Call Rename (subfolders, RegExp)
end Sub
3. SaveAs in the folder where the-course with the filename: XTRenamer.vbs, click on the column "Save as type" and replace "Text Document (*. txt)" to "All Files" then click the "Save"
4. Execution XTRenamer.vbs file that you created earlier to change all air-file extension *. doc to *. MSWord on Drive D: \
* If there is an error in the script but you're sure not a typo, note and understand your script mainly on: HIGHLIGHT (Drive the target, and type suitable extension / no not on the computer there, or check your files there not change?
* If there is an error in the script but you're sure not a typo, note and understand your script mainly on: HIGHLIGHT (Drive the target, and type suitable extension / no not on the computer there, or check your files there not change?
You can also specify their own what kind of file extension, and will rename
what later became an extension. To understand the script note
HIGHLIGHT and 'descriptions.
what later became an extension. To understand the script note
HIGHLIGHT and 'descriptions.
5. Wait a while until the process is complete perenamannya. long process determined by computer speed and the number of files. usually on cheap home computers will not take more than 10 seconds. For more certainly open the Task Manager (ctrl + alt + del)> tab "Processes"
If the list "Image-Name" is still there is a "wscript.exe"
means the process is still not yet completed. Having completed the process of renamannya assosiasikan then we have to file extensions The new order can be open at the desired application, that can be opened with is easy.
means the process is still not yet completed. Having completed the process of renamannya assosiasikan then we have to file extensions The new order can be open at the desired application, that can be opened with is easy.
The trick is:
1. Login Control Panel> Folder Options> Files Type
2. Find and click the "New" and then in the "File Extension:" type "msword" (if you make modifications to the script and change the string "MSWord" with others, adjust).
3. Click on the "<<Advanced", will appear in the column "Associated File Type:". click column, will appear a list of listings that very much and look for posts "Microsoft Office Word Document". Let me look faster type "mi" quickly in a list of these listings.
4. Then click "OK"
5. Completed, make it easy ...
6. (Optional) change the default icon image that are not easily fooled by files viruses are often air-icon resembles a Word file. The trick? Read the article before.
If you want to change the extensions are also your other important data that it is possible to have a virus such as *. xls, *. ppt, *. txt, etc., then do modifications to the script (syntax code that needs to be modified has been my HIGHLIGHT give its' description.) And do not forget to associate again with the default viewer program. / pemrosesnya like the above. The side effects (well here it is often questionable)
a. This VBS script will simply rename the file extension alone is not filenamenya, so for example if you have a file called Data.doc it will converted into Data.MSWord. so do not worry, his real name not be
to change.
b. If you change the data will be shared extension for document or data that you create to spread widely disseminated on the Internet / local network or to another computer then it will be a bit troublesome people who will open it, on their computers because the extension has not been associated with its viewer program. So if you want to be able to open this file on another computer better rename the extension back to *. doc or can be opened by: Right-click> Properties> Change ... and search for "Microsoft Office Word" (Application
Microsoft Word) in the "programs" and click OK> Apply> Ok recently opened.
c. Application of this VBS script on Drive C: \ "possible" - (likely very small) can interfere with the performance of applications that include file *. doc in the process. Therefore I suggest to move the files important you from drive C: \ to another drive so the drive is C: \ is not necessary in-process using this VBS script.
d. No messing around
May be HelpFull ^_^
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thank you for locker code.
ReplyDeleteIt is excellent.