7 Supporting Document Processing Applications Samsung Tablet
Tablet PCs have been there where - where, even so it is no substitute for a notebook or laptop. To create or edit a document crucial to the optimum in the tablet should be assisted with enhancements in the form of a keyboard dock.
Samsung GALAXY Tab 7, 10.1 to 8.9. All three of these tablets can be paired with a cool keyboard dock that will further assist you in work productivity. Even the latter two series will look like a netbook when it is paired.
Here we show the 7 Android applications that can be found in the Android Market. Although 6 of them paid, but some applications you can try its trial version for free.
Google Docs
Developers: Google Inc..
Price: Free
As miners Android, this application provides the users free of charge. Easy to create spreadsheets, upload or even take a picture of the text of your document will automatically be converted to a format that Google Docs can be accessed by your relatives, are so much from some of the features offered by Google Docs but has been customized specifically for optimum use on a tablet honeycomb.
Android Office, Word DOC, CSV
Developer: sibling
Price: $ 5.99
Android Office offers the functions to read, edit, sort (sort), search and send to email the document type docs / docx, txt, xml and csv. Later applications will also support the full functionality of Excel, PDF editing and many more that will be developed. Android Office also promised there would be no advertising on the screen is bothering you during the work.
Smart Office
Developer: Picsel
Price: $ 9.47
Picsel has long been known to us through the high middle products by Samsung with the name "Picsel Viewer" about 6 years ago. As the name suggests, then you can view various file documents directly from the phone's small screen. Well, in the era of Android, you can also create new files, edit and share Word files, Excel and PowerPoint with SmartOffice from Picsel. Broadly similar features offered by others. SmartOffice also will recognize the device type you use: whether the smartphone or tablet, to provide the maximum UI.
ThinkFree Office Mobile
Developer: ThinkFree Mobile
Price: $ 9.99
With the same functionality, ThinkFree Mobile offering advantages in speed when uploading data and response time. There are also features file management with a synchronization function. For example when you're working with a smartphone or tablet, then you can menyinkronisasikannya with your PC or notebook.
Documents To Go 3.0
Developer: DataViz, Inc..
Price: $ 14.99
One application documents that the most frequently encountered on the Android device as the default application. Understand it, DTG is also the first office applications available on Android Market. Not only see, but you can also edit the file Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint are reinforced by intact Technology. In addition, send and receive inserts (attachments) to and from the email (or other email domain account) is also getting easier.
Quickoffice Pro
Developer: Quickoffice
Price: $ 14.99
With Quickoffice, but you can create, view, edit and share office documents, you can also make footnotes / endnotes. Quickoffice promising a faster file loading and you will easily send it to Google Docs, Dropbox, Box.net, Huddle, SugarSync, and MobileMe.
OfficeSuite Pro 5
Developer: Mobile Systems
Price: $ 14.99
Besides bringing the same basic features as the others, OfficeSuite Pro 5 can also be synchronized with your Google Docs account so that your file management easier, including the sending inserts and remote files.
7 Supporting Document Processing Applications Samsung Tablet
Tablet PCs have been there where - where, even so it is no substitute for a notebook or laptop. To create or edit a document crucial to the optimum in the tablet should be assisted with enhancements in the form of a keyboard dock.
Samsung GALAXY Tab 7, 10.1 to 8.9. All three of these tablets can be paired with a cool keyboard dock that will further assist you in work productivity. Even the latter two series will look like a netbook when it is paired.
Here we show the 7 Android applications that can be found in the Android Market. Although 6 of them paid, but some applications you can try its trial version for free.
Google Docs
Developers: Google Inc..
Price: Free
As miners Android, this application provides the users free of charge. Easy to create spreadsheets, upload or even take a picture of the text of your document will automatically be converted to a format that Google Docs can be accessed by your relatives, are so much from some of the features offered by Google Docs but has been customized specifically for optimum use on a tablet honeycomb.
Android Office, Word DOC, CSV
Developer: sibling
Price: $ 5.99
Android Office offers the functions to read, edit, sort (sort), search and send to email the document type docs / docx, txt, xml and csv. Later applications will also support the full functionality of Excel, PDF editing and many more that will be developed. Android Office also promised there would be no advertising on the screen is bothering you during the work.
Smart Office
Developer: Picsel
Price: $ 9.47
Picsel has long been known to us through the high middle products by Samsung with the name "Picsel Viewer" about 6 years ago. As the name suggests, then you can view various file documents directly from the phone's small screen. Well, in the era of Android, you can also create new files, edit and share Word files, Excel and PowerPoint with SmartOffice from Picsel. Broadly similar features offered by others. SmartOffice also will recognize the device type you use: whether the smartphone or tablet, to provide the maximum UI.
ThinkFree Office Mobile
Developer: ThinkFree Mobile
Price: $ 9.99
With the same functionality, ThinkFree Mobile offering advantages in speed when uploading data and response time. There are also features file management with a synchronization function. For example when you're working with a smartphone or tablet, then you can menyinkronisasikannya with your PC or notebook.
Documents To Go 3.0
Developer: DataViz, Inc..
Price: $ 14.99
One application documents that the most frequently encountered on the Android device as the default application. Understand it, DTG is also the first office applications available on Android Market. Not only see, but you can also edit the file Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint are reinforced by intact Technology. In addition, send and receive inserts (attachments) to and from the email (or other email domain account) is also getting easier.
Quickoffice Pro
Developer: Quickoffice
Price: $ 14.99
With Quickoffice, but you can create, view, edit and share office documents, you can also make footnotes / endnotes. Quickoffice promising a faster file loading and you will easily send it to Google Docs, Dropbox, Box.net, Huddle, SugarSync, and MobileMe.
OfficeSuite Pro 5
Developer: Mobile Systems
Price: $ 14.99
Besides bringing the same basic features as the others, OfficeSuite Pro 5 can also be synchronized with your Google Docs account so that your file management easier, including the sending inserts and remote files.
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