Google Ranking Factors
1. The use of keywords and the relevance of content (Google Ranking Factors)Google Ranking Factors
Careful use of keywords and page creation which has relevance to search terms and information seekers desire is crucial to get good grades. According to I, you should use keywords to follow the rules as follows:Google Ranking Factors
Once in the title tag, and could have twice (or create a variation) if it makes sense and looks good (subjective, but is required). Google Ranking FactorsOnce the H1 header tag.
At least three times in the body of a page (sometimes more if the content is too much).
At least once in bold.Google Ranking Factors
At least once on an image alt tag. Google Ranking FactorsOnce in the URL.
At least once (sometimes 2 times when it makes sense) in the meta description tag.
Google Ranking Factors
2. Link Juice
Google Ranking Factors
Most people call it PageRank, in essence, this word refers to the popularity of a page based on the quantity of links they have. You can increase it with internal links (from your own website) and external link (from another website). A page with links that are very large force, will get a really good ranking on Google and Yahoo, although the source of the link only from websites that have no relevance and the use of keywords that are very small.
Link juice to work with the basic principle that in a web page that has a high popularity can help page with a higher value or lower. The pages that have links from many pages that have high popularity, while providing a link to another page, another page then it will gain popularity as well.
You can see that the link juice will have an enormous impact on how search engines provide a score for ranking them. Increase the link popularity requires the ability to build both types of links (so your website has enough link juice) and the internal structure of an intelligent and careful links (to ensure that the flow of your juices flowing to the right page).
3. Weight of anchor text
Google Ranking Factors
As the development of search engines in the early 200's, they focused on the use of anchor text and found that the weighting on the keywords and phrases that are used for the link, then they will get an idea of whether a page and which has a higher relevance to a subject . Now, the link in the anchor text is the most important part in the approximate ranking, and when the number increases it will obscure the other ranking factors. You can view many web pages that are weak in other factors have good grades because they have produced many links with anchor text that they are targeting.
Keep in mind that the anchor text from internal and external links, so if you are trying to do the optimization, it is wise to think if you provide a link to the material from your own site.
4. Domain Authority
Google Ranking Factors
This is the most complex factor in this post. In essence, the domain trust refers to the variation of signals used by the search engines to determine the legitimacy of a website. Does the domain have a history on the search engines? Do many people seek and use the domain? Is the domain that has high quality links from other websites that can be trusted? Are outgoing links from a domain that lead to other websites that can also be trusted?
To be able to meet the above variables, then you have to do is develop your website in a manner consistent with the correct rules of search engines. If you want to gain confidence in search engines quickly, then get as many links from websites that are trusted by search engines. Google Ranking Factors
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