10 Tips to Save Energy Pc And Laptop
Many ways you can use to save energy usage on a pc or laptop. or your laptop battery is too low?
Here are 10 tips on energy-efficient PCs and Laptops
1. Adjust monitor brightness and contrast
Most computer users rarely pay attention to their monitor settings. If the level of illumination and contrast are set too high to be able to spend a lot of energy. So you should be able to adjust lighting and contrast, to adjust lighting and contrast of the monitor you can simply use the controls on the monitor.
2. Turn off the monitor
By turning off the monitor, especially the monitor type CRT (Cathode Ray Tubel), because these types consume more electricity. If you leave your computer long enough you should turn off your monitor.
You can also set Windows to automatically turn off the monitor within a certain time, it can be done in a way, click "Control Panel-Options". In "Power Options Properties" tab click the "Power Schemes". Then click the arrow in the "Power Schemes" and select "Home / Office desk". Then select the desired time on the "Turn Off Monitor" and click "Apply" and "OK"
3. Turn off hard disks
Although you are not doing anything on our computer, but your data in the hard disk will always be read by the operating system and some applications. For this reason, the hard disk will continue to work and of course it will consume energy. If you want to leave your PC then you should turn off your PC's hard disk. By the way on "Power Options Properties" then click the tab "Power Schmes". Click the arrow in the "Power Schemes" and select "Home / Off desk". Then click "Turn off hard disks" and select the time. Then click "Apply" and "Ok".
4. Turn off other equipment
Turn off other equipment such as, speakers, external modems, scanners, Zip drives and printers. Because the equipment was so spent a lot of energy. Things like this are often forgotten.
5. Hibernate mode
Hibernate mode this is the facility to shut down, but not close or shut down applications that are opened by us earlier. This can be done by way of Mode "Hibernate". With this mode, the contents of main memory (RAM) is stored in the hard disk. How to do the hibernate mode is as follows, on "Power Options" tab click on "Hibernate". Then click the box next to "Enable Hibernation". Click also on the "Advanced" tab. In the section "When I press the power button" then click the arrow and then click on "Hibernate". Click "Apply" and "Ok". After that press the button "Power" on your computer. Already functioning hibernate mode, press the "Power" once again, your computer will turn on and will automatically open the applications you have open earlier.
6. Standby Mode
In order to save energy, we recommend setting the monitor and hard disks are in the lowest part in standby mode. If you want to leave your PC for a while, you should activate the standby mode. But you should know is, when the active standby mode data that have not you save may be damaged or lost if your PC is damaged. We recommend that you first save your data or documents before you activate this standby mode. Standby mode can be done in a way, click the "Start-Turn Off computer" then click on "Standby".
7. Use UPS
Because this tool can help to rescue data or shut down when power failure occurs. To set the UPS equipment and configure the tool "Power Option Properties" and select the UPS tab. Section status in the UPS tab displays the approximate number of minutes that can be supported by UPS to your PC. In fact many ways to configure the UPS, but this depends on the model and capacity of the UPS is used.
8. Laptop Battery
If you charge a laptop battery, make sure the charge process was completed. Because the charge is done half-half and then resumed, it will actually spend a lot of energy and can damage the baterai.Untuk conserve battery consumption. You can use the Hibernate feature / Suspended or use an electric socket that plugs into a wall outlet.
9. USB port
If when you use a laptop and then you put one into the USB port on your laptop, you should immediately be released when it's finished it. Because the equipment is still stuck in the USB port, it also can spend energy on your PC or laptop. We recommend that you unplug the device when pemakainnya thats enough.
10. Energy Consumption Laptop Scheme
Usually laptop manufacturers also include features and software power management. This software is very useful for the consumer laptop, because the software is able to regulate the use of batteries and electric power is being used. In this software there are several options that can be used to determine the burden of hard disks and other energy that is being used by the laptop. Among know the processor speed or monitor the proper lighting to be able to save the battery. This software can simultaneously be a watchdog for us in using the laptops. 10 Tips to Save Energy Pc And Laptop
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