Google, currently still in demand by Internet users with search enginenya. Of course at this time for webmasters, not only can create and build a website, but also how that site is selling in the eyes of users of Internet users.
One thing that is done is by using search engines to appear on the first page on search engines, especially Google. So many, that currently web developers vying for the website indexed on Google and the SEO mengoptimasikannya to appear in position 1. Moreover, if there is a surefire way to be indexed in google.
Before knowing how apt indexed on Google, need to know first how search engines work so as to bring results.
Crawling is the process of retrieving useful information from a web page. Usually performed by a robot, a machine that works mencrawl information page. When a spider finds a link he will retrace those links, as well as on. However, not all links will spider through it, then there is the term that dofollow links. Dofollow link means that the link is allowed by a page for dicrawl by spider-spider search engines. Spiders for google, googlebot called.
Indexing is the process of entering the data carried by the spider into the database. Well, here the process of indexing done to sort the data according to the algorithm of each search engine. Google pagerank algorithm on a determination of indexing. Where the higher the pagerank, then indexing the position will be at the top in a database.
Searching is the process of matching data from users who want to find a keyword with the database in accordance with the existing indexing. So anything that match the search keyword will be displayed in order of indexing.
Result, is the process of displaying the results of searching by perngguna on search engines. So the result yangdimunculkan is the answer to the searching of a database that is indexed. And usually visitors will only see the result between page 1-5, if they do not find the results on the page serve targeted, then the keyword search will be replaced with another.
From that process, indexing into determining where a page of information on a website will be sorted in a database which will affect the search results. And the indexing process starts by crawling a web page. So now how to have a web page touched by the search engine spiders, especially google. And will eventually be indexed in google database. In simple terms there are two surefire way:
Automatically, it means the spider will automatically come to your pages and will be getting information from our website then mengindexnya in the database. Well, this can happen if the links are placed within our website to websites that are indexed. That is the pattern we have a lot to spread the links, especially links that are dofollow.
Manual, meaning we put our own links into a search engine spider list. In google there are addresses that can be used to submit the link, ie, addurl. By entering into our links list spider then at least our website is included into the list spidernya google. Thus enabling our website will be touched by the spider and will eventually be indexed by google.
The second way that's a surefire way indexed in google. Both the automatic and manual everything can be done. So that later will indicate how fast our website indexed by google with both the above.
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